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Hi everyone! How are you doing? We are going in the month of June and how is that possible?! How fast the time is? Today as short reminder for us on God’s love. This verse is Romans 3:37-39. It says “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

This verse is a reassurance text that conclude the half book of Roman. Here are few reminders on why as believers we need to hold on to this text.

1. We Christians, we are more than conqueror!

Remember God make you more that conquerors; How is the Christian more than conquerors? It’s by Jesus Himself that make us more than a conqueror! The power of Jesus overcome greater power, the glory of Jesus, He overcomes the great motives. He overcomes with great victory and He overcomes with greater love. Why? Jesus endured all thing for us. Through that redeemed us dan bangkit dan duduk di sebelah kanan Bapa. Kalau Yesus boleh melakukan ini semua, Yesus Tuhan yang sama akan menguatkn kita to endure all things in life. So live our life as life of a victor!

2. We are secure in God’s Love

You know, God could have made us a ladybug or a green grass. I could have been a house fly or anything to ever know God’s love, to never be loved by God like this; to never experience love like this but He made me, Loise. He made you, you! He chose us and we get to experience a love like this, I don’t deserve it! Verse 38-39 nothing, nothing in this world or in the spiritual world can take away God’s love from me! I don’t deserve that. You see how Paul wrote verse 38 describing things above beyond the human influences. Sometimes we get caught up in the world and the things we don’t have, and we don’t realize, that we actually have the greatest thing that we could ever receive which is God’s love that never fails, He will always love us.

In conclusion, our confidence is this, we lack nothing in life if we have this kind of LOVE. We are secured in God’s love.

– Bro Loise

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